Training for Mental Health

In our Mental Health First Aid course, you will learn about the signs and symptoms of common and disabling mental health problems in adults, how to provide initial help, and where and how to get professional help.

With the increasing impact of mental health problems on workplaces, early intervention is key.

Mental Health First Aid skills are an invaluable investment that will positively impact your workplace culture, reduce stigma around mental health issues, promote self help strategies and seeking professional help where appropriate.

Mental health first aid teaches knowledge & skills to give your staff confidence to have supportive conversations with colleagues who may be developing a mental health problem.

In this informative and practical course you will learn about the signs and symptoms of common and disabling mental health problems in adults, how to provide initial help, where and how to get professional help, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide mental health first aid in a crisis situation using a practical, evidence-based action plan.

Mental Health First Aid strategies are taught in evidence-based training courses authored by Mental Health First Aid Australia. Mental Health Education & Training facilitators are accredited by MHFA Australia.

Who should be trained in Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid is suited to staff at all levels of your organisation, in fact we recommend it. Those best placed to notice changes and intervene early are those working alongside each other.

Specific roles the training would be beneficial to include:


  • Human Resources
  • Occupational Health & Safety roles
  • Team Leaders
  • Currently identified ‘Staff Support Roles’
  • Staff to be appointed as Mental Health First Aid Officers
  • Physical First Aid staff
  • Staff working with ‘high need clients’
  • Staff working in ‘high risk’ environments e.g. childcare, fitness industry, nursing, education, aged care.

Mental Health First Aid
Accreditation Programs

Our mental health training options are designed to meet you where your organisation is at.

Whether looking for accredited training such as Mental Health First Aid or custom workshops such as Mental Health 101, Building Psychological Safety or Psychosocial Hazards training, Mental Health Education and Training can cater to your needs.

Standard MHFA for the Workplace Course

The Standard MHFA for the Workplace Course has been adapted from the Standard Mental Health First Aid Course for adults and can be delivered face to face or online.

Focusing on the workplace, it provides relevant information and tailored scenarios around the provision of mental health first aid to assist colleagues, clients, and other workplace contacts.

Course content includes how to recognise signs and symptoms of mental health problems, understanding the impact of untreated mental health problems in the workplace, learning a framework to guide supportive conversations, knowledge to connect people to existing workplace supports, options around external professional help and self-care strategies.

Course Format:

Component 1 – Self-paced interactive eLearning (4-6 hours)

The eLearning course component including videos, activities and quiz based learning presents an overview of mental health problems and mental health crises.

Component 2 – Choose an option
Option one: Face to face workshop (4.5 hours)
Option two: 2 x virtual workshops on Zoom (2 x 3 hours)

The workshop component provides an opportunity to revise eLearning content, apply the MHFA Action Plan in workplace scenarios, better understand mental health support requirements and develop practical skills.

Components 1 and 2 must be completed within a 3-month period.

Standard MHFA Course

Delivered onsite at your workplace the Standard MHFA course includes information and scenarios for both workplace and community settings. An engaging, interactive and effective way to have your team complete Mental Health First Aid as a group, normalising mental health problems and improving your workplace culture and practices.

Course Format:

12 hour course, face to face
Delivered over 2 days*, 7 hours each day including breaks
*Flexible delivery is available to suit your workplace

Book a discovery call to discuss the best option for your workplace!

Book a discovery call today

Do you have questions about our training programs?

Let us answer them all for you!

We exist to deliver Mental Health First Aid training direct to your workplace.

If you’d like to know more details about our MHFA programs, we invite you to join trainer Nicole on a no-obligation discovery call. During our chat by phone, Skype or Zoom, Nicole can learn more about your workplace needs and connect your organisation with the best fitting program(s).

We can also discuss if a standard package, or more customised training is best suited to your needs.

There are many ways MHET can boost your Mental Health and Wellbeing management at work! Ask Nicole about keynotes, workshops and our array of resources.

Please fill in the form to get started. Nicole will be in touch shortly.

Phone Call or Zoom call?

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